Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Сompare and contrast the way nature is represented in the following Romantic poem and extract from a Romantic poem

Percy Bysshe Shelley's ‘Mont Blanc' and lines 452-542 from Book Sixth of The Prelude by William Wordsworth (Romantic Writings: An Anthology, pp.329-32 and pp.133-5 respectively) Both literary texts that we will be dealing with in this essay, Percy Bysshe Shelley's ‘Mont Blanc' and an extract from Book 6 of The Prelude by William Wordsworth belong temporally to the Romantic Period (1780-1830), with the former having been written in 1816, and the latter completed in 1805, although it was not published until 1926. Wordsworth belongs to the ‘first generation' of Romantic writers, whose Romantic literature was wartime literature. Thus he had lived through the Revolutionary period and had also witnessed the aftermath of it: the dissipation in a long war. Despite his initial sympathy towards the early ideas of the Revolution concerning man and human liberties, he came to abandon them, turning from a fervent progressist into a resigned conservatist. He began to argue against the received idea of poetic language as a refined mode of eloquence available only to those with an education in previous literary models, employing the ‘language of men'. The ‘second generation', however, in which Shelley is included, belong to the post-war period, and having lived neither through the Revolution itself nor the reaction, they saw this change of view as a betrayal. Shelley's writing can be characterized as a continuous rebellion aiming at the establishment of the reign of love and freedom in human society. ‘Mont Blanc' constitutes an impressive statement of his belief in a benevolent force in Nature and of moral activity in man. Likewise, Wordsworth's Book 6 from The Prelude, entitled ‘Cambridge and the Alps', aims at charting ‘the growth of a poet's mind', with particular emphasis on the importance of Nature, which is always a key notion in his philosophy and poetry. Having given this background, we will start comparing and contrasting the way Nature is represented in the two writings with reference to their characteristics in terms of poetic form and language. ‘Mont Blanc' ‘Mont Blanc' is a 144-line ode composed during the writer's journey to Chamounix Valley in South-East France and intended to reflect the scenery through which he travelled. It is divided into five stanzas, with diversity in the number of lines in each, and is written in irregular rhyme as well as rhythmic pattern. This abandonment of regularity of pentameter iambics expresses a sense of freedom which aims, in turn, at bringing about feelings of sublimity evoked by such a close contact with Nature. The point of view is of first-person, conveying, thus, immediacy. The poem begins with the claim: ‘The everlasting universe of things/flows through the mind.', with which Shelley states his response to Mont Blanc: to consider what the landscape before him can teach about the merging of Nature and the mind. In this first stanza, Shelley develops his understanding of the mind participating in Nature, comparing the human mind to a small stream surrounded by waterfalls and a river: ‘The source of human thought†¦such as a feeble brook†¦where waterfalls around it leap forever†¦' (ll.5-9). Later in the poem as well, several ways in which the mind participates in the creative forces evident in the landscape are indicated, as in Lines 37-41, where his mind ‘now renders and receives fast influencing†¦.One legion of wild thoughts†¦'. He realises that knowledge is a combination of sensory perceptions and the ideas of the mind. The river can then serve as a symbol for the mind, a conscious power and a source for imaginative thought when he finishes the stanza with ‘thou art there!'. Also, at the end of the poem, addressing the mountain, he states that ‘the secret strength of things/which governs thought, and to the infinite dome/of Heaven is as a law, inhabits thee!' (ll.139-141). However, at certain parts, this response is implied as impossible; this world of thought is too great for a human to comprehend (‘for the very spirit fails/Driven like a homeless†¦among the viewless gales', ll.57-59). By these means, the sublime of Nature is being foregrounded. The starting lines of the second stanza talk of the scene before him, the Arve, which is represented as the Power: the universal realm of thought, which surprises us by ‘bursting' into view like lightning (‘Thus thou; Ravine of Arve†¦Bursting through these dark mountains†¦', ll.12-19). The syntax of these lines is unusual; ‘Thus' probably confirms evidence for the previous claim, although it is not clear what is being demonstrated; then, we have sentence fragments, the use of dashes, even the word order of ‘dark deep', that reverses typical locution. This disrupted, unusual syntax denotes the pressure of this overwhelming experience, causing Shelley's senses to instantly break down. Finally, we have an animating metaphor: the Ravine, which is addressed as if it were animate (‘Thus thou'), and the Arve, which descends as Power from ‘his secret throne' (ll.16-17). This allows for the writer to later address direct questions to Mont Blanc, suggesting a presence in it that finds an answering response in us (‘Is this scene†¦once this silent snow?', ll.71-74). In this third stanza, Mont Blanc is presented as ‘piercing the infinite sky' (l.60), whose subject mountains have ‘unearthly forms' (l.62) and the deeps are ‘unfathomable' (l.64), introducing thus its connections to this higher power. The alliteration in Line 78 ‘so solemn, so serene' foregrounds the perception that Nature can be both benevolent and malevolent, depending on the relationship one chooses to establish with it. In any case, even though the power is too great for mankind, it can indeed serve as a teacher who ‘teaches awful doubt' (l.77), or a faith in human nature that will revolutionise the world. This language encourages us to conceive the mountain as a consciousness something like-if not superior to-human thought, leading imagination to expand itself to the dimensions of it. In Lines 139-144 the power of the universe is symbolised by Mont Blanc, denying thus the existence of a natural religion, but for that power to have any meaning, one must exercise the imagination. The questions with which Shelley ends the poem grant the reader freedom to ponder the ultimate question of what is Nature if it doesn't merge with human mind and imagination, reflecting perhaps the freedom that he has experienced. The Prelude, Book 6 Let's move to the extract from Book 6 of The Prelude now, which is structured as a narrative, telling a story which is complete in itself, as well as being part of The Prelude as a whole, and which forms part of Wordsworth's autobiography. It is also lyrical in that in recounts his feelings and actions at a unique or typical moment: during his crossing of the Alps. It is written in blank verse, which perhaps helps avoid monotony, and the rhythm is iambic pentameter. In Lines 453-456, Wordsworth expresses his disappointment in Mont Blanc: it is a ‘soulless image', which ‘had unsurp'd upon a living thought/That never could be'. A ‘living thought' is better than ‘a soulless image': it is better to ‘think' than merely ‘to see'. Here, political language is applied to nature and the working of mind (‘unsurp'd), which could imply his disappointment in the contemporary political events. However, the sight of the Vale of Chamounix is quite compensatory: it is a ‘book' from which the young and old learn (ll.473-7). He finds fascination in the landscape, which did ‘make rich amends' and ‘reconciled us to realities' (ll.460-1). The imagery of country life, such as small birds co-existing with eagles, a reaper at work in the fields, and the threat of Winter in the autumn sunshine, which is similed to ‘a tamed lion' (ll.466), are all experienced as edifying. The climax comes at Line 524, when it dawns on them that they have crossed the Alps without knowing. The element of surprise is prominent in this climax: ‘I was lost as in a cloud' (l.525), which is perceived as the ‘Power'. The writer experiences a spiritual catharsis by being revealed of the power of the mind and the free-flowing spontaneity of the language conveys to us this uplifting rush of exaltation. Wordsworth celebrates the way ‘that power†¦came†¦athwart' him' (ll.527-9). So, impotence in the presence is followed by a future of infinite possibility, which is achieved through imagination and moves the poet from the disappointing place to time. The ‘living thought/that never more could be' (ll.455-6) is succeeded by a reference to ‘something evenmore about to be' (l.542). He is lost in the realm of time along with imagination, which transcends the human senses. Nevertheless,'the light of sense/goes out in flashes that have shown to us/the invisible world' (ll.534-6). This image conveys a denial that the normal faculties of consciousness are adequate to discover ‘our destiny, our nature, and our home' (l.538). The repetition of ‘hope' in Line 540 strongly foregrounds Wordsworth's desire to reconstitute its grounds in a dark time of post-revolutionary reaction and despair. Conclusion On balance, these two literary works share an interesting similarity in their use of apocalyptic and millennial imagery to express the relationship of man to Nature and to higher powers; they are both successful in making their readers aware of the greater harmony of the universe, both within and outside the boundaries of time. However, where Wordsworth admitted his disappointment on the view of real Mont Blanc, Shelley's reaction was the opposite. Furthermore, while Wordsworth places great emphasis on the interaction of the human mind with its environment, Shelley emphasises the passivity of the mind in the ‘unremitting interchange' with ‘the clear universe of things around' (ll.39-40); Nature is the messenger and the imagination acts upon it only after having received it.

Health and Safety of Using a Computer

You need to use the internet to search for the following information. Use the table below to store your answers along with the web address of websites where you found the information. You should use more than one website to check your answers Why is posture important when using a computer? Information found (copy and paste from the website)| Web address| Your ‘computer posture' can have a huge impact on your health. If it's poor, and you slouch for 7 hours a day in front of your PC, your body will suffer in the long-term. | http://www. fitness-programs-for-life. om/computer-posture. html| Why should you take regular breaks or change of activity when using a computer? Information found (copy and paste from the website)| Web address| Eye muscles that shift focus between your source document and a screen for a long period of time can tire. | http://www. staffs. ac. uk/images/user042_tcm68-12657. pdf| Find an image to show how you should correctly sit when you are using a computer? Information found (copy and paste from the website)| Web address| | http://www. google. co. uk/imgres? imgurl=https://www. ourloungelearning. co. uk/materials/popups/new_screenshots/hse1. gif;imgrefurl=https://www. yourloungelearning. co. uk/materials/popups/health_safety. php;usg=__IFMYnONBLFJMUTBDRGIS4N0Y5NU=;h=328;w=425;sz=27;hl=en;start=3;zoom=1;tbnid=3kv5FZAK84FF1M:;tbnh=97;tbnw=126;ei=JhUxT_mxGIqK0AXjwtC0Bw;prev=/search%3Fq%3Dhow%2Bshould%2Byou%2Bsit%2Bat%2Ba%2Bcomputer%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26safe%3Dactive%26sa%3DN%26rls%3Dcom. microsoft:en-gb%26biw%3D1280%26bih%3D852%26sout%3D1%26tbm%3Disch;um=1;itbs=1|Why should computer screens and chairs be adjustable? Information found (copy and paste from the website)| Web address| Adjust your keyboard and screen to get a good keying and viewing position. A space in front of the keyboard is sometimes helpful for resting the hands and wrists while not keying. Adjust seat height to ensure hands are perpendicular to keyboard (height adjustme nt is usually achieved by a handle to the left underside of the chair). | http://www3. imperial. ac. uk/occhealth/guidanceandadvice/computerhealth/compute healthgeneralguidance| Find out at least two health problems that might be related to computer use? Information found (copy and paste from the website)| Web address| 1. Eye Disease 2. Computer Stress Injuries 3. Hurting Hands| http://heheli. com/business/top-4-health-problems-caused-by-computer-use/| Find an image to show overloading sockets and find out why you should not overload sockets Information found (copy and paste from the website)| Web address| | http://images. google. co. uk/imgres? imgurl=http://www. ambethliving. org. uk/images/overloaded%2520socket_m. gif;imgrefurl=http://www. lambethliving. org. uk/Default. aspx%3Fpage%3D516;usg=__PGOPSK2MwkKZwGesrJ2Em_8vjEo=;h=183;w=150;sz=13;hl=en;start=17;zoom=1;tbnid=XTRUfXeqS4U0ZM:;tbnh=102;tbnw=84;ei=IhcxT_7NEM2GhQfr9sz-BA;prev=/search%3Fq%3Doverloading%2Bsockets%26hl%3Den%26s afe%3Dactive%26biw%3D1280%26bih%3D852%26gbv%3D2%26sout%3D1%26tbm%3Disch;itbs=1| Why should you not have trailing cables around a computer room?Information found (copy and paste from the website)| Web address| A large number of accidents around the work place, are cause by tripping over trailing wires. | http://wiki. answers. com/Q/Why_shouldn't_you_have_trailing_wires_near_a_computer#ixzz1lhKk6ABs| Find out what is meant by ergonomic furniture Information found (copy and paste from the website)| Web address| What does ergonomics mean? | ‘Ergonomics' is the science of designing environments and products to match the individuals who use them.The word ‘ergonomics' comes from the Greek ‘ergon' meaning ‘work' and ‘nomos' meaning ‘law'. â€Å"Fitting the worker to the job not the job to the worker. † * Fitting the job to the worker through task design and procedures * Fitting the worker to the job through the use of proper placement procedures an d training. It should be noted â€Å"What works for one worker may not work for another, so it's important to emphasize individual solutions. † Your basic knowledge of ergonomics is a prevention of physical damage or injuries that may occur.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

People Skills or Technical Skills Essay

There are many efficient engineers working in software companies and the commonplace utterances like ‘coding error’, ‘build not functioning’, ‘new feature is not getting integrated’ , etc. are often heard in their workplaces. Soon after, one might witness meetings after meetings followed by night stay to fix the errors on a stringent deadline. All this is due to lack of people skills. People skills are the most valuable nowadays because large complex projects demand highly efficient people skills to assist in bringing an integrated final product. Bill Gates of Microsoft acknowledges the value of people skills, â€Å"Communications skills and the ability to work well with different types of people are very important. † he said, â€Å"Software innovation, like almost every other kind of innovation, requires the ability to collaborate and share ideas with other tasks, and to sit down and talk with customers and get their feedback and understand their needs. Interpersonal skills are more important in the workplace than IT skills. † In a way projects are technical, but complexity arises as a result of cross-cultural variables, virtual teams, and the necessity to achieve more in less time. To resolve issues and gather technical skills in the competitive world, people skills are crucial. People skills can be defined, practiced, improved continually, and best learnt experientially (Flannes, 2006). A professional can be hired to assist with technical details but a manager with people skills are difficult to get. One of the quick turnaround time project experience shared by Charlie Poole (2001) on the website proves that people skills are more important to a team manager in a software development project. He was focused on rolling out a workable project structure with a set of stories as part of one integration cycle. For this he selected four programming core practices like continuous integration, small releases, onsite customer, and planning game. He did it successfully. When the project was kept in front of him, he had a few thoughts (all of which can be co-related to the seven important skills shown in bracket) about the project that had to move forward in just over three week’s time. He decided: I won’t waste time – (Responsibility) I’ll have to quickly turn tasks over to other people – (Communication Subtleties) I’m forced to recognize what parts of the project have most value – (Ability to Assess) I’ll do the simplest thing that works – (Innovative and Caring) People may be more willing to try out a new approach – (Individuals are not Fixed Objects). An effective team structuring, clarifying requirements before entering into real working scenario, effective planning are some good plans that helped him accomplish the desired results. Besides, Charlie had the ability to manage conflict and agreement in the first place to undertake a project and bring results in three weeks. Earlier, Charlie had the experience of being a team member himself and had grown as a lead and then as manager which gave a certain advantage in bringing the project to closure. By sharing his feelings on the web, Charlie aptly follows â€Å"Writing about thought and feeling in a journal,† which is considered to be one of the seven skills required for a manager. The rate of success in achieving people skills rely on how perfect one has been nurtured with the following seven important skills: 1) The ability to employ four interpersonal communication techniques. 2) The ability to conceptualize and apply four distinct leadership roles. 3) The ability to access individual differences. 4) The ability to motivate individual stakeholders and teams. 5) The ability to manage conflict and agreement. 6) The ability to mediate and manage professional and personal distress. 7) Writing about thoughts and feelings in a journal and competency in six active management skills. Acquiring these skills does not happen overnight. People who have been experiencing in the same domain performing at various levels will have the advantage of handling any crisis situation like Charlie as in the example above. Technical skills are typically easy to observe, quantify and measure. They’re also easy to train, because most of the time the skill sets are brand new to the learner and no unlearning is involved. The case with People skills is different. Another expertise, Russ Finney (Finny, White Paper) advises that having someone on the team who is familiar with the specialized knowledge surrounding selected technical environment provides confidence. Technical skills too have great values in assisting others, making suggestions, developing standards, and finally leading to leadership qualities. This implies that technical skills and people skills are not something far apart. A good technically skilled person has the chances of becoming a capable manager with people skills. If one wants to advance, he or she should never neglect People Skills Training. If you are like most IT professionals, pressed for time, overwhelmed by pending deadlines and working with limited budget dollars your training efforts should focus exclusively on acquiring new technical skills along with your people skills. References Finney, R. Winning Project Teams. Information technology management, White paper. Retrieved April, 18, 2009, http://www. itmweb. com/essay003. htm Flannes, S (2006). Effective people skills for the project manager: a requirement for project success and career advancement. Planning, Development and Support 131-29, 19. Poole, C (2001). Three week project turnaround. Retrieved April, 18, 2009, http://c2. com/cgi/wiki? ThreeWeekProjectTurnaround Retrieved April, 18, 2009, http://www. zdnet. com. au/insight/business/soa/Tech-skills-not-as-valued-as-people-skills-/0,139023749,339284581,00. htm

Monday, July 29, 2019

The Challenger Accident Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The Challenger Accident - Essay Example he Challenger mishap was caused by the failure â€Å"was the destruction of the seals that are intended to prevent hot gases from leaking through the joint during the propellant burn of the rocket motor.† (Presidential Commission on the Space Shuttle Challenger Accident, 1986). The damaged O-ring seals in the tang and clevis joint were found to cause the failure of the seals. The commission’s investigations pointed out several contributing mechanical and structural breaches that lead to the failure. Among the major structural flaws was a defect in the fittings of the aft joint’s tang and clevis. Original design of the aft segments or other segments of the Solid Rocket Booster has a tang that almost perfectly fits into the clevis of the other segment. This structural design is oftentimes contaminated during handling and transport such that the roundness of the segments is altered due to pressures and transport vibrations. Minor alterations in the roundness of the segments would result to differences in the diameters of the tang and the clevis. These problems may result to some fitting imperfections that could make the O-rings attached within the joint more vulnerable to damage. Another contributory factor to the failure of the seals was the conditions of the O-rings during launch. It was noted that during launch time, the temperature was very cold and the launch facility even experienced problems due to lower temperature. Furthermore the SRB used in the Challenger launch have been used in several other missions. This practice had been used in the space program without any problems. For better seal performance, tests confirmed that actuating pressure must get behind the entire face of the O-ring on the upstream side of the groove within which the O-ring sits (Presidential Commission on the Space Shuttle Challenger Accident, 1986, p. 61). Under imperfect sealing conditions discussed above a potential greater pressure is exerted on the O-ring and would make it fit

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Asthma Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Asthma - Essay Example According to a 2011 report, about 235 million people are affected by the disease worldwide and approximately 250,000 die every year due to asthma. About 80% of the mortality has been found to occur in lower and middle income nations with the rates varying between the countries. the prevalence rate has been found to be between 1 to 18% (Asthma, Wikipedia). In the year 2011 about 5.8 million Hispanic people in the USA were diagnosed with asthma with 3.6 million people still coping with the disease and about 1.7 million people experiencing an attack during the past year. The lifespan, current disease state and prevalence rate of asthma attack was found to be lower in significance compared to the non-Hispanic black and non-Hispanic white populations. Reports from 18 studies have shown that among the Hispanic sub-groups Puerto Ricans were found to have an increased incidence of the disease compared to other subgroups and non-Hispanic white people (Asthma: A Presentation of Asthma Management and Prevention). Reports reveal that between 2002 to 2007, the annual economic expenditure in the US due to asthma was estimated at $56.0 billion. Of these the direct costs to the healthcare was $50.1 billion and the other indirect entities including loss in productivity and other losses was estimated at $5.9 billion (ALA) The lung function test provides an accurate diagnosis of the disease, together with a medical history and physical examination of the patient. While lung function tests can be ably performed in adults it is however difficult to perform the test in children lesser than 5 years of age and hence in these cases doctors generally take in to account the medical history, signs, symptoms and physical examination of the child in order to diagnose the condition (How is Asthma Diagnosed?) In the case of children the

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Thinking Globally Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Thinking Globally - Case Study Example Local companies tried to adapt to the problem by trying to send their money abroad to avoid inflation. However, Argentina’s central bank ordered all companies to receive clearance first before engaging in such transactions. For this reason, companies had to wait for several months before receiving authorization. In addition, the government ordered that payments be done in dollars something that also made the companies to pay extra in comparison to the value of the peso. The companies were forced to operate according to the Argentines policies despite entering the country in the 90’s with the wave of the free market. Most of the US companies that were forced to collect their revenues in peso had no otherwise but to submit to the authorities and incur extra costs that were dollar related.In case of rising inflation, the citizens are usually the worst hit. That is because inflation comes with many disadvantages such as loss of jobs. It also becomes very expensive for the c itizens to conduct their daily activities since food products and other services become expensive. Immediately after President Duhalde announced the ties between the peso and the dollar, the economy collapsed and the citizens reacted angrily by attacking politicians, banks, and culminating in protests in the streets over the high cases of inflation. For over a decade Argentina has been amassing debts that it is unable to pay to date. That means that for over a decade now Argentina’s citizens lost their spending power due to inflation.

Friday, July 26, 2019

Tyco International Accounting Issues Research Paper

Tyco International Accounting Issues - Research Paper Example One of the most notable accounting malpractice employed by the company involved the low attrition rate, which were written off at a remarkably slow pace. The consequence of this accounting misnomer was a significant inflation of the profits as reported in the company’s financial records. A consistent pattern of this accounting practice had the effect of giving the shareholders the wrong kind of impression regarding the performance records of this company (Maremont, M and, Laurie Cohen 12 a). The markets were also deluded into believing in the falsified accounting records of the company. According to financial analysts, the amount of money involved in the slow attrition accounting practice was the major driving factor. For instance, it was reported that the company spent large sums of money in purchasing accounts from dealers. An estimate of 1.3 billion dollars has been given as the amount of money used by the company to purchase the accounts in 2001. Major discrepancies have a lso been seen in the mismatch between the posting of assets acquired and the selling prices that were attached to the same. This aspect has often been cited as a case of deliberate falsification of information intended to paint an artificially positive picture about the performance of the company (Bragg 23). One such case involved the purchase and sale of Anglo Seal division. Anglo Seal was bought for about 20 million dollars according to the information posted in the company’s accounting records. In the space of time of one year, the same asset was sold off at a price of 111 million dollars. Some analysts argue that the real losses incurred by Tyco could be even much higher given the fact the team of accountants and lawyers who worked through the companies records overlooked or could not access some sensitive omissions and commissions due to weaknesses of evidence (Maremont and Laurie 10 b). According to analysts, it is not practically conceivable how an asset could apprecia te to nearly eight times its purchase price within the short time of a year. The obvious intention was to bring down the value of expenses, while adjusting upwards the level of sales and revenues. As a result, the company presented itself as particularly robust in terms of growth. The danger of such accounting practices is that they are not sustainable in the long run. They tend to shield the company’s failings from the shareholders and the markets. According to some analysts, such practices have the capacity of bringing down companies because all safeguard measures are rendered useless in the face of irregular and cosmetic accounting practices. The irregular practices often shield the companies from the indicators of possible slump of a slackened performance. Defenders of Tyco’s book-keeping methods have argued that any alternative ways of accountancy could not significantly alter the state of accounts as reported by the company (Maremont and, Laurie 12 c ) . They rel y on the reports of internal auditors who argued that few things would change in terms of performance regarding the company’s overall growth strategy. It would be appropriate to consider the weaknesses of the irregular accounting practices in comparison to similar practices that often ended up in total failure. The collapse of Meryl Lynch and other famous firms were attributed, in part, on the reliance on cosmetic

Economic Policy Recommendation Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Economic Policy Recommendation - Term Paper Example Frictional unemployment is regarded as the easiest type of employment. It takes workers to shift from one job to another since some workers lose their jobs before they have other jobs lined up. This period of unemployment lasts for a short period and is not problematic from an economist’s point of view. Cyclical unemployment is the type that occurs during periods of recession or depression and the rates lowers during periods of high economic growth. During recessions, the demand for goods and services in a given economy falls. Companies react by laying off some workers and cutting production instead of reducing wages and prices. Unemployment therefore results since there are more workers in the economy than the available jobs. Economists put focus on the root causes of the economic downturns that result in this problem (John 2010).Structural unemployment occurs when the labour market has more workers than the available jobs. This kind of unemployment also results when workers possess skills that are not in high demand in the market place, and lack those that are in demand. Structural unemployment is significant since it is long term as the employers’ requirements and workers’ skills don’t match. Seasonal unemployment is another type that occurs in fields where worker demands vary widely over the course of the year. It is regarded as less problematic compared to structural unemployment since it is short term.Unemployment does not only affect the unemployed person but the society in general. It forces people to live in a way they do not wish, bringing unhappiness, despair and anguish. Unemployment is related to mental health problems such as depression, low self esteem and feeling unworthy. Ill health may also result from malnutrition, drug addiction, poor prenatal care which occurs in cases of unemployment. Many studies link unemployment to family disruption. Tension increases at home due to the quarrels and argument which is reflecte d in the increase in divorces. Unemployment is associated with increase in crime and violence in the society (Hall, 2005). The unemployed people are faced with financial insecurity which results in poverty and indebtedness. Other social problems that results from unemployment include homelessness, ethnic antagonism and school dropouts. Unemployment worsens an individual’s situation since the longer a person is out of job, the more difficult it is to secure one. Employment gap is a negative aspect as no one is willing to employ a person who has been out of job for long. Long period of unemployment causes a potential worker to lose skills. The living standards of unemployed persons are low. Due to job competition, even the salaries of employed persons are reduced which lowers their living standards as well. Unemployment can result into political instability

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Sustainable Urbanism in Lowry Range Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 8500 words

Sustainable Urbanism in Lowry Range - Essay Example Contemporary planning and development approaches suggest that privately-owned public spaces will be the Twenty-First Century reality for public spaces (Wallace 2005). As a leader in efforts to provide attractive and inclusive public spaces, New Urbanism also continues a development trend of reliance on the private sector’s provision and management of public activity and public space assets. Conflict exists between Constitutionally-protected rights of access, assembly, speech and expression and private property rights to exclude persons and activity. In the status quo, there are regulatory voids of excessive, ambiguous, and inadequate regulations that were attributable to direct private sector control and indirect public sector control. Analysis of the broader public forum regulatory structure for these spaces discovered that public use of certain spaces and certain commercial areas are especially vulnerable to these regulatory voids. Furthermore, it is important to note that e xpress public use rights in the form of public access/use entitlements play a unique role in supporting the public forum status of privately-owned public space (Endress 2005).Such administrative capacity is impeded by a limited understanding of the role of interstitial public spaces, by limited municipal resources for small park spaces, by strong commercial interests with small model development expectations, and by an entrenched property title bias toward bona fide public space assets.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Lisa and The Two-Sues Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Lisa and The Two-Sues - Case Study Example Even on arrival at the hostel, she gets confused with the reception she gets from her roommates. These conditions are normal for most people and they ignore them for good. However, the inhibitions and low self-esteem complicate Lisa’s life there, and she tries to see her as a passive person but with a high sense of dignity. 2. Lisa’s greatest challenge should be identified as her reluctance to adapt to the changing circumstances. This is a part of her personality that makes her choose a confined lifestyle away from the reach of even the least cases of unpleasant situations. When Lisa enters the No.92 room, her expectations get wounded by the responses of the Sues. From the further days of life in the room, Lisa understands that the two girls are careless about her and they possessed little regards for the newcomer. The two girls were already friends and they had a lot of things in common. Lisa was indifferent towards the girls in the beginning, but when they brought their boyfriends to the room, the conditions changed altogether. Even though Lisa does not describe her friends, her choice for going home on the weekends indicates that she dislikes the girls for their character and low-self esteem. 3. Lisa never likes to stay in the room at weekends, particularly because of the fear that Sues may bring their boyfriends for a night stay. Also as the girls spoke too little to her, the most desirable thing she could do was to get home at the earliest. She says she misses Jane a lot because she likes only Jane on the campus. The stressful life in the common room has every potential to challenge the quality of her results and it may also throw her into depression. Therefore, Lisa has to tell choose between quitting the room and adapting herself to the existing environment. The former case is not practically easy as the room allotment is normally fixed for the complete academic session.

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Sony Play Station Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Sony Play Station - Essay Example (Suarez, 2004) Initially, Sony and Nintendo intended to work together and develop the Super Disc however the two companies parted ways and the Playstation was born and it was a modified version of the Super Disc. The second milestone is marked by the unveiling of the first working prototype. In the case of the Playstation this was in Japan in the year 1994 December 03 before the product was launched into the market in 1995. (Suarez, 2004) As previously stated, the Playstation was released into the world and this is the third milestone. In most cases, such new products retail at very high prices however in the case of the Playstation, it retailed almost $100 cheaper than the Nintendo. The last milestone is in achieving market dominance. Since its introduction, Sony has sold millions of Playstation consoles and it has become the most sought after video game. (Suarez, 2004) Public Policies What is public policy? Public policy is a purposive and consistent course of action produced as a response to a perceived problem of a constituency, formulated by a specific political process, and adopted, implemented, and enforced by a public agency. The evolution of the computer industry began in the 1940s with the early experimentation with computers in a few companies, universities and public research laboratories, culminating in computer designs suf?ciently attractive to induce the production of the ?rst computers and their purchase by large ?rms with massive computation tasks, as well as by scienti?c laboratories. (Malerba, Nelson, Orsenigo, Winter, 2008) This opened the era of mainframe computers. The methodology of â€Å"history-friendly† involves both establishing some runs that match the qualitative... The paper describes the dominance process and public policy as a purposive and consistent course of action produced as a response to a perceived problem of a constituency, formulated by a specific political process, and adopted, implemented, and enforced by a public agency. Than it speaks about the methodology of â€Å"history-friendly† involves both establishing some runs that match the qualitative features of the historical patterns that the analysis is about and some runs that do not match these historical patterns.This model can be used for different purposes. The history-friendly model has contributed to the growth of computer technology in different regions. One, the semiconduct has allowed major improvements in mainframes and contributed to create new computer types. In conclusion we can say that public policies on the supply side have different effects on the various policy targets. We have shown that support for basic research increases industry technological performance while policies that favour the diffusion of knowledge reduce the gap between the best and the average practice in the industry as well as the growth of the best design in the industry. Policies that favour the entry of new producers have the effect of decreasing concentr ation only if they take place on a continuous base At the end of the report on the issue of self-sustainability, the college can include in its terms and condition before joining the college that upon completion of ones studies there, those hand-picked by the administration should teach the students for a period of one year at low pay. This ensures that the college’s alumni do not loose touch with the school upon completion and it also acts as a source of motivation for the students.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Roles in the Courtroom Essay Example for Free

Roles in the Courtroom Essay Everyone has been in or seen a courtroom. If not personally, they have definitely seen one on television. Shows like Law Order and the First 48 gives the generalization of how a criminal is caught, brought to justice and it’s done all within one hour. Then there are civil court shows like Judge Judy and Judge Mathis, where you can see what actually happens in a court of law when someone is sued. All in all, when you watch these shows you never get the full effect of the roles each person in a courtroom plays to bring a person to justice. Some roles are more important than others, but people like Bailiffs, Judges or even Jurors all share an amount of responsibility in making sure that justice is served. In any courtroom you will see a Bailiff, Prosecutor, Defense Attorney, and a Judge. The Bailiff is usually a sheriff or a high- ranking police officer. Their presence alone keeps order in the courtroom amongst the audience all the way to the judge. A Bailiff’s role is simple. They swear in witnesses and they also play the go between man with the judge and jury. They call court to order and announce when the Judge enters the room. Their role is minimal but important still in its own way. Next are the Defense Attorney and the Prosecution whose duties and responsibilities are basically the same. They must gather and present evidence to the jury to discredit or give reasonable doubt that a crime was or wasn’t committed. The Defense is there to advice his client on the right plea to take. He is also there to make sure his client understands what is going on and make sure his client gets a fair and speedy trial. Other than that their duties are the same. They both are there to discredit the other. They both participate in jury selection and establish witnesses that will benefit their case. Both are responsible for presenting their case to the Judge and Jury, but if the case never reaches a trial it’s usually due to both sides plea-bargaining. This is ultimately the Judges decision but is usually the reason why some cases don’t go to trial. The Judge has a key role in the criminal justice system. He is elected into office by his peers and is ultimately the last person to make any decision in regards to a case. Although they don’t say much a Judge has a lot of duties and responsibilities and is one of the most important people needed in a courtroom. They are there from start to finish in any case. At the preliminary hearing they are responsible for making sure the accused is aware of their rights, they enter a plea of either guilty, not guilty or no contest, and the Judge also sets the bail. During the trial they decide what evidence will be allowed. Their understanding of the law is important when keeping order and how the court proceedings will be handled. During the trial the judge makes sure the accused rights aren’t violated. The Judge also makes sure that the jury understands what a person is charged with whether it is First –degree or second-degree murder. It is the Judges responsibility to make sure the Jury knows the difference. Last but not least they have control over the sentencing. This is the most important part aside from the Jury decision on whether or not the accused is guilty. Although The Judge’s role and responsibility seems to be the most important in the court, it is the role and respon sibility of the Jury that is needed more than anything. Everyone has the right to a trial by an â€Å"impartial† jury, which means that the trial will be fair. To be fair, some believe a person must be tried amongst a group of one’s peers. This means that they are from the same community/area. Sex, race and ethnicity have no bearings in any case, as far as jury selection. Jury’s bring diversity, different perspectives and views. It is up to the Defense and the Prosecution to make sure the right people are chosen, and that they will be more in favor of their case when presented in court. This is why Juror’s must go through a jury selection. People who will be beneficial to either the Prosecutions or Defenses case are kept and those who appear to have no bearings on the case aren’t selected. Once on the Jury they are given instructions by the judge on how the case will go, what they are to listen for, and what a person is charged with. Then they listen to the case and they are to determine if the accused i s responsible for their actions by a reasonable doubt. Meaning if there is any doubt in their mind that the accused is innocent, then the doubt is placed, and either they must be convicted of a lesser crime or the case must be dismissed period. All the evidence and witnesses presented in court is done with wondering how the jury will perceive it. Their impression on the evidence has the greatest impact and is ultimately what will determine the fate of the accused in all cases. That is why it is important that the Judge gives the verdict choices to the Jury and that he makes sure that the Jury understands them when they go to deliberate. They then return and give their verdict of guilty, not guilty to the offense the accused was charged or to a lesser charge period. Anyone can see that the Jury is important in any court proceedings. Jury’s will always have a key role in the court system and their role is most important. There are many roles and responsibilities in the court system. There are bailiffs, prosecutors, defense attorneys but the most important is the jury. Their roles and responsibilities are important and are needed to ensure that the criminal court system is run appropriately. That is why there is so much put into jury selection. They are the deciding factor in determining how long a person will be spending of their life in jail.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Case Study: Hearing And Visual Impairments

Case Study: Hearing And Visual Impairments This document discusses the most prevalent sensory impairments: hearing and visual impairments. The impact caused on academic and individual development are addressed as well as the significant role which educators of these special categories of people can play in the education sector in order to make learning possible. Visual impairment This refers to occurrences of partial or complete vision loss. Milder forms of visual impairment are treatable with glasses or even contact lenses while others require surgery or some medication. Severe cases of visual impairments are irreversible. Types and causes of visual impairment Four categories of visual impairment exist. Partially sighted refer to individuals with some level of difficulty in identifying information and as such special assistance in learning and reading is required. Low vision is a more serious visual impairment which does not permeate reading at normal distances. Supportive tools like the popular use of Braille assist people diagnosed of low vision to read. Legally blind is a vision which is less than 20/200 or characterized by limited range of vision. Totally blind refers to a person with no vision at all thus such individuals cannot process any images. They utilize non-visual resources like Braille in order to learn. Several factors cause blindness in individuals. Congenital blindness occurs at birth due to heredity or infection. Cataracts which are cloudy collections of protein in the eye lens cause light not to pass through the lens leading to the condition. Amblyopia is a condition of the eye which results into blindness due to the bra ins discontinued processing of images present in the misaligned eye. The degeneration of macular situated at the retina of the eye especially in older people results into visual impairment or even loss of vision (Webster Roe, 1998). Hearing impairment The disability Act defines hearing impairment as the limited ability to effectively detect process or differentiate sound. Types and causes Conductive hearing loss is exhibited when sounds are unable to go through the inner ear from the outer ear. This is as a result of blockage of the ear canal caused by build-up of earwax or fluid. Sensorineural hearing loss is caused by the percived damage to the hair cells located at the cochlea or auditory nerve. The damage would occur due to aging or perhaps injuries. Mixed hearing loss is present when the above two hearing loss types are present. Impact of visual and hearing impairments on a persons development Sensory Development A child born with hearing and visual impairment is negatively affected especially in regard to sensory development. This is because other senses appear to diminish. For instance, the child gets inconsistent, unverified as well as discrete fragments of information. Although hearing is usually the only sense available to the blind child, control over the available sound present in their environment is not present. Vision is vital in verifying sounds otherwise lack of verification means that the sound is noise emanating from a non-specified location (Webster Roe, 1998). Motor development A person who is sensory impaired possesses significant developmental delays in the ability to implement the functionality of hands. Even at 5months, a blind childs hands are normally held up in a fist at shoulder height. Mutual fingering as well as midline engagement with the hands common with sighted children of this particular age are not exhibited. Ultimately, delays in hand utilization results in delayed development of fine and gross motor skills. Achieving appropriate posture for the blind child takes considerable a longer duration of time. Developmental achievements requiring self initiated mobility like elevating arms in prone or walking alone are significantly delayed. Passive behavior like self-stimulation is exhibited in blind children due to the inability to move around the environment. Cognitive development The ability to coordinate elements in high levels of abstraction is limited. Thus a different construct of world and reality is developed contrary to that given by sighted persons. A blind person has problems in establishing the concept of defining attributes as well as relationships due to the limited guidance available (Webster Roe, 1998). Though the blind child is continually involved in problem solving, the activity is certainly difficult and less rewarding for her/him. The ability to obtain object permanence is achieved on sound clues only. Blind children achieve this almost a year later than the sighted children. Sensory impaired persons have difficulties in forming and maintaining casual relationships due to the inability to retain pleasurable stimuli. Social development Due to inexistent subtle clues and facial expressions, the social interactions of visually and hearing impaired persons are complicated. While a sighted child will signal attachment and recognition to familiar people through a smile, a blind child will smile upon recognition of his mothers voice after about 2 months. Sensory impaired persons have ambivalent emotional involvement with peers. They also appear non-communicative and disinterested on the on-goings thus they are overprotected or rejected by their peers, relatives as well as strangers. Language development is also limited in sensory impaired children (Webster Roe, 1998). Impact of visual impairments on a persons academic achievement Vision loss impacts negatively a persons academic achievement since special adaptations are required to steer the student to success. Vision is important in understanding the underlying concepts being taught in a classroom situation thus most visually impaired students often complete schooling without good mastery of skills and knowledge which is vital in enabling them further their education or gain employment (Sacks, 2001). Visually impaired students are taught using critical skills like Braille and travel skills like canes. Shortage of mobility specialists as well as qualified visually impaired teachers restricts dissemination of education. Visually impaired persons require the use of large print formats as well as audiotapes to learn. Making presentations from these materials slows down the learning process considerably. Impact of hearing impairments on a persons academic achievement Hearing impairments affect learning and teaching of the hearing impaired students thereby causing substantial difficulties in academic achievement. The deaf learners experience massive linguistic problems owing to the inability to develop spoken language and understandable utterances (Sacks, 2001). Many difficulties are exhibited in written work whereby glaring mistakes are seen in written work. For example wrong sentence structures, omissions of words as well as wrong tense and verb usage is prevalent. Due to the complexity of lip reading, most deaf learners find it difficult to undertake this task. Attributable to lack of hearing as well as auditory memory, hearing impaired learners are unable to adequately rehearse what they are able to write thus learning requires lengthy period. The syntax as well as the grammar of BSL is different from that of spoken English thus confusion arises in the course of disseminating the information. Deaf students take considerable long time to be abl e to read. The developed vocabulary is minimal thus understanding the message being communicated becomes difficult. Unfamiliar words cannot be lip read thus continued advancement of vocabulary becomes difficult. Deaf learners thus require to research on technical jargon as well as the perceived simple and commonplace language in order to effectively communicate. Thus a lot of time is spent in doing simple assignments as compared to the hearing students. Unlike the case of hearing learners who gather information from reading newspapers, discussions with peers or listening and watching television, the deaf students have to rely of their instructors to learn. Thus their written work largely lacks in-depth analysis and is marked by uninformed opinions (Sacks, 2001). Group work and discussions prove problematic to hearing impaired students due to their inability to contribute equally as the other students. What Educators can do In order for the hearing and visually impaired students to adequately fit in the learning situation, teachers and trainers need carefully structure the learning modalities, learning environment as well as putting in place necessary resources (Chen Downing, 2006). Classroom activities need be accessible to the hearing impaired students through incorporating tutorial groups as well as incorporating computer based learning. For the hearing impaired, course notes need be provided in advance so as to acquaint the learners beforehand what is expected of them. Through the use of visual aids like PowerPoint presentations will largely help in proper understanding of the spoken language. For the visually impaired, educators must ensure that all the visual materials given to the students are accompanied by verbal descriptions. Narrations need be emphasized at all learning stages in order to enhance understanding. Learners with some functional vision should be given handouts printed out in large print so as not to have learners strain as they read. Audiotapes as well as Braille formats of the class presentations and lessons should be given to students (Chen Downing, 2006). Conclusion Owing to the several challenges confronting sensory impaired persons, several adjustments need be put in place to ensure such learners adapt adequately to the learning environment. Hearing and visual impairments are quite prevalent and cause severe consequences during the development of language, speech as well as cognitive skills. Through proper education, effects associated with hearing and visual impairments are identified thereby advancing early detection and management strategies.

Diabetes A Major Public Health Issue Health Essay

Diabetes A Major Public Health Issue Health Essay According to current estimates about 366 million people have diabetes in 2011 all over world. It has been projected that by 2030 this will have risen to 552 million. The number of people with type 2 diabetes is increasing throughout the globe. Among them about 80% of people with diabetes live in low- and middle-income countries. The majority of people with diabetes lie in the age group of 40 to 59 years of age. Almost half of this population, 183 million people (50%) is undiagnosed. Diabetes caused 4.6 million deaths in 2011. 78,000 children develop type 1 diabetes every year. India has become the global capital for both the kinds of disease- Communicable as well as NCD or life-style diseases. There is this double burden of disease. The major diseases in the NCDs are Diabetes, CHD and Hypertension. These three diseases alone cause more than 400 deaths per million population in a year. Among them Diabetes demands the major concern because it is intricately related to the development of the two other factors (increases the risk of) CHD and Hypertension. There is also an increasing trend of obesity world-wide which also adds to the development of Diabetes as a risk factor. It is the fourth or fifth leading cause of death in the most high-income countries and it is taking the form of an epidemic in many developing as well. Diabetes has become one of the most challenging health problems of this century. There have been many studies since the last two decades which confirm that the low and middle income countries are going to face the greatest burden of this disease. The governments and public health planners of many developing countries including India still remain ignorant of this upcoming health evil. The magnitude of this disease has serious implications in terms of its economic burden in its treatment and loss in terms of wage and deteriorated quality of work by people affected by Diabetes. This can drastically influence the growth of a country especially developing countries like India. Global Prevalence of Diabetes and projection till 2030global-diabetes.png Numbers of people with diabetes (in millions) for 2000 and 2010 (top and middle values, respectively), and the percentage increase wed.png Source- Nature | Vol. 414 | 13 December 2001 | There have been reports of increasing cases of Myocardial Infarction even in very young patients among the Juvenile diabetes cases. It is a far more disabling than generally considered, it drastically decreases ones stamina and working capacity. As it is a multisystem disorder it influences other sensory functions as well such as Diabetic retinopathy (hampering vision), Diabetic nephropathy (causing renal disease and failure), Diabetic neuropathy (including diabetic foot) and many other complications. The presentation of classical symptoms of polydypsia, polyphagia, polyuria is not always the picture of diabetes. It is only seen in few classical cases. So, it is often diagnosed during routine test or examination done when patient had presented for some other disease or illness. The lack of awareness among people about this disease is of major concern. Due to this many cases go undetected. India has imitated the Western ways of lifestyle and hence illnesses such as obesity and diabetes are increasing day by day. In 2011, India had 62.4 million people with type 2 diabetes, compared with 50.8 million cases in 2010, according to the International Diabetes Federation (IDF) and the Madras Diabetes Research Foundation. The nationwide prevalence of diabetes in India now tops 9%, and is as high as 20% in the relatively prosperous southern cities. By 2030, the IDF predicts, India will have 100 million people with diabetes. Another matter of great concern is the fact that the onset of type 2 diabetes tends to affect people in the West in their 40s and 50s, whereas the disease strikes Indians at a much younger age. Even young people of 25 years of age are being diagnosed with the disease, a trend that threatens to seriously hamper the countrys economic development. The rise of type 2 diabetes in India was in fact foreseen by some scientists and health experts. Till1980s, the urban prevalence of diabetes was at least double the rural prevalence. But this picture of diabetes has changed significantly over time and has spread out of urban cities into the countryside and majority of rural areas. Type 2 Diabetes constitutes more than 90 % of the whole diabetes cases in any country including India. It has a wide variety of determinants and risk factors associated with it, which need to be known and focused during policy formulation to address Diabetes. Aetiological determinants and risk factors of type 2 diabetes Genetic factors Genetic markers, family history, thrifty gene(s) Demographic characteristics Sex, age, ethnicity Behavioural- and lifestyle-related risk factors Obesity (including distribution of obesity and duration) Physical inactivity Diet Stress Westernization, urbanization, modernization Metabolic determinants and intermediate risk categories of type 2 diabetes Impaired glucose tolerance Insulin resistance Pregnancy-related determinants (parity, gestational diabetes, diabetes in offspring of women with diabetes during pregnancy, intra-uterine mal or over nutrition) Source- Nature | Vol. 414 | 13 December 2001 | Www.Nature.Com Villages in wealthier southern states like Tamil Nadu and Kerala are seeing prevalence hit double digits, which is enormous. If it was confined to affluent India, you could still put a lid on it, but now its rising quickly all over the country. as per Nikhil Tandon, an endocrinologist at the All India Institute of Medical Sciences in New Delhi. There is also a considerable genetic propensity towards Diabetes in the Asian population particularly in India. india diabtes.png AIMS OBJECTIVES Diabetes has yet not been recognized in our country as a major public health issue, although the morbidity and mortality and hence economic burden and loss due to it is much higher than that caused by many other communicable or other diseases such as AIDS or STDs, for which there are well formulated programs. But there are no such programs or targeted approach to tackle this very prominent deterrent of health in our country, Diabetes. There is almost no health care accessibility and availability dedicated in this regard in public scale. They are primarily excluded from government policies and decision making process. Not much work or studies have been conducted on the prevalence of Diabetes in India, especially rural India. There is a need to assess the real magnitude of this urgent problem which demands special concern in form of targeted policies and programs and screening. The aim of my study is to highlight the immediate need of recognition of Diabetes as a major public-health co ncern and formulation of strategies, Policies and programs concerning Diabetes in India. RECOMMENDATIONS (1) Studies need to be conducted to determine the level of awareness and knowledge about diabetes at the community level in different parts of India. As we know IEC is very important for any community or mass scale program to be successful. It is also important in view of the Sickness behavior and the sick role played by the individuals. Creating awareness among the people will make them come up for the screening and a better turn up for treatment in early stage which will significantly reduce the loss due to the disease to the person and state as a whole. (2) More studies and research required to identify the risk factors for diabetes, the relationship between anthropometric measures and diabetes risk and estimate the burden of diabetes in this rural Indian population with an objective to identify target areas for future healthcare planning. (3) Screening programs need to be formulated in the mass scale and many rounds of such screening will be required to assess the real magnitude of the problem in Indian population, so that, resources are used accordingly for planning of policies and programs. These data will be extremely important for planning the public health policies especially the envisaged National Diabetic Control Program. (4) Tracing the exact pattern of the disease in the population and its demographic pattern is essential. Some of the recent studies have identified increasing cases of juvenile diabetes and there is detection of more and more cases in the lower marginalized and poorer section of population (Diabetes was once believed to be disease of elites, those of the rich sections of population associated with over eating, obesity etc). Now the picture of disease is changing which needs to be traced and addressed in the following policies for diabetes control and prevention. Research should also be directed in the direction to identify the most appropriate test for screening purpose, as the results depend on the test employed to a significant degree, especially when employed for mass screening. (5) Clear cut policy outlines to tackle with the complications of Diabetes- The complications due to Diabetes can be even more disabling and in some cases even fatal. So it is very important to make clear cut policy outlines to tackle with the complications of Diabetes and its prevention. Measures should aim at intensive control of blood glucose to prevent the retinal, renal and neuropathic complications of diabetes. There is a concealed burden of Impaired Glucose Tolerance. The possibility of preventing type 2 diabetes by interventions that affect the lifestyles of subjects at high risk for the disease have focused on people with impaired glucose tolerance (IGT). It affects at least 200 million people worldwide. Approximately 40% of subjects progress to diabetes over 5-10 years, but some revert to normal or remain IGT. So, it is very essential to take this group of individuals into consideration. (6) Formation of a separate body under Ministry of Health and Family Welfare as Diabetes Control Organization or so to tackle with Diabetes in an integrated and comprehensive way throughout the country. Formulation of Control and Prevention Programs to be implemented in each state. Prior to this there should be formation of an Expert group to assess the actual prevalence and exact demographic characteristics of Diabetes in different regions of India. (7) Reinforcing legislative changes such as increased taxation of certain unhealthy foods to promote healthy diet. Although it is difficult but such steps may help to a great extent. CONCLUSION A much more integrated approach is needed to have a significant impact on the diabetes epidemic in India. Type 2 diabetes is not merely a disease but reflection of a much bigger problem, that is, the effect of environmental and lifestyle changes on human health. We need well integrated policies for education of the mass through IEC. The major proportion of Diabetes cases in India is Type-2 which is preventable. It is a huge threat to public health and in absence of interventions there would be great loss. Thus prevention of diabetes and its micro- and macro-vascular complications should be an essential component of future public health strategies for all nations. An essential and immediate need is the formation of multidisciplinary national encompassing all parties that can help address and control the underlying socioeconomic causes that have led to the diabetes epidemic. ANNEXURE Recent studies have highlighted the potential for intervention in IGT subjects to reduce progression to type 2 diabetes. One such study is the recently completed Diabetes Prevention Program in the United States. Diabetes education is necessary to control Diabetes. It includes diabetes self-management education (DSME) and diabetes self-management training (DSMT). It helps people to modify their behavior and hence mange the disease. Healthy People 2010 objective regarding diabetes education- At least 60 percent of persons with diabetes should receive formal diabetes education in order to attain considerable level of awareness in the community as per the American Association of Diabetes Educators. List of Stake holders- Govt. of India, Ministry of health and Family Welfare. State Governments. NGOs and other organizations Media for awareness. Family of Diabetic patients.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

The Desert :: essays research papers

The human heart not only supplies life but it also represents feelings and emotions. In the Desert uses intense imagery to paint a vivid picture while also using point of view and symbolism to send a message about human emotion and feelings. Although this poem is brief it contains a very powerful point about the human heart and emotions. This poem appears to be written by a person that has just lost a loved one, although this poem does not seem to be about death. The poem opens with the image of a "naked" beast alone in a "desert". This paints an interesting image in the mind of the reader, but it also has a deeper meaning. This "beast" of a man was deserted and left alone by someone that he was obviously deeply in love with. He has lost all direction and purpose in his life. The author uses the point of view of the speaker to show just how pathetic this creature is. The speaker feels bad for the beast and attempts to speak to it, seemingly out of pity. He even calls the hopeless animal his "friend". This leads me to believe that maybe the creature is just an extension of the speaker, the part of him that cannot let go of an important love. In the Desert is a poem that is symbolic of the way people react when their "hearts are broken". The heart, in this instance, represents love and happiness. When the man loses this love he feels as though his heart has been wrenched from his chest and devoured by a monster (that represents his current emotional state). The man is broken, battered and left to fend for himself. He is also filled with resentment and anger as is made evident by his "bitter-bitter" heart. This whole scenario represents the dependence of man on the love of another and his state of total denial and sadness when it is taken from him. The only beam of hope that I could find in this poem is when the man says that he likes his heart despite its bitterness.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Epic of Beowulf - Christian Morals in Beowulf :: Epic Beowulf christbeo

Christian Morals in Beowulf Beowulf is an epic tale that has been changed over time to try and express a christian moral. While this transformation over time has added a new variable to the plot, it is still impossible to try and erase the original pagan plot completely. It has become evident that the original epic was pagan and had no mention of the biblical references or the christian morality that it contains now. However, it is also evident that the original story dealt with the concept of a higher being or beings. The overriding christian view has many facets and deals with them all as a new way of proposing christianity into the theme of the story. The reason that Grendel becomes outraged is that the bard in the mead hall is singing a song that has to do with creation. This shows Grendel's apparent disregard for God and he proceeds to go to the hall and capture men and eat them while they are asleep. As we progress into the story, we learn that Grendel carries the curse of Cain with him. "He bore the curse of the seed of Cain/ Whereby God punished the grievous guilt of Abel's murder." Cain was the son of Adam and Eve and was the one who murdered Abel, his brother, out of a jealous rage for God's favor to Abel. This shows us that Grendel had more than just a dislike for the men, the song was showing Grendel that his ancestor was looked upon as the bad person and was therefore the underlying concept for Grendel's rage. This was the constant reminder to Grendel of his evil past and thus his reasoning for his actions. We learn to see Grendel as a less than human being, but in actuality, he is a monster who has a degree of humanity in him and that is the reason that he is so hard for Beowulf to kill. He has the human emotion of pride which ultimately is the cause of his downfall. While this seems to be a major part of the story line, it can be removed and the story will only lose the background of Grendel's evil side. This could have been where the real story of Grendel originally was. As with many of the classic medieval stories there is a sense of a higher being and fate is a major factor in Beowulf.

Transcendentalism :: essays research papers

Although the transcendentalism movement was an extremely long time ago the ideas are still pertinent today. When Henry David Thoreau said, 'Let him step to the music which he hears, however measured or far away. It is not important that he should mature as soon as an apple tree or an oak';(247), that he would be telling people to be themselves many generations later.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The transcendentalism movement took place during the early 1800's when America was developing its own writing style. The authors of the time all thought in the same wavelength. Some of them, such as Thoreau and Ralph Waldo Emerson belonged to a transcendentalism club in which they shared their ideas. Thoreau had ideas that he firmly believed in and tried to act upon his ideas. He wanted to live in solitude and be one with nature, so he went to Walden Pond and was semi-secluded from society. Except for a couple of times when he went to the nearby town for things he needed he was on his own. He did well with it, but wanted to move on with his life so he left Walden. After his experience, he decided to write about it in his book, Walden Pond. Thoreau tried to live his life based on his ideas no matter how extreme they may have been.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  These transcendentalists had many ideas that seemed to others to be extremely impractical. The authors thought that they could transform the world through their ideas. One of their main ideas was that we are all true individuals and should not conform to whatever the 'norm'; is. Thoreau tells us to live our own life, whether it be good or bad, it is ours. 'However mean your life is, meet it and live it; do not shun it or call it hard names';(247). Also, we should do the morally right thing. We should do what our heart says is right and not always listen to our heads. They also wrote in an optimistic view and their writings were very inspiring.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  All of their ideas are relevant today on some level. People are reading Emerson and Thoreau as though they were on the current best sellers list. Not everybody reads the material because they are assigned it, but rather they are using it as a tool to find out how to live their lives. All of our lives we are told to be ourselves and not to go along with the crowd, and that is the same thing Thoreau said over a century ago.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Philosophy of Teaching Essay

Philosophy of teaching is a self-reflective statement of your beliefs about teaching and learning. It discuss how you put your beliefs in practice by including concrete examples of what you do or anticipate doing in class. My teaching philosophy is ‘participatory learning’. It a type of learning process whereby learners are put in the centre of every learning situation, in other words pupils take active part of the lesson presentation. . I hold this belief in the sense that, when children are involve actively in the lesson delivery with the relevant teaching methods and techniques and also appropriate learning materials, it’s inspires them to explore and take up their own responsibility. This belief once again, gives children the opportunities to discuss, talk and ask questions. It also allow the teacher to listen to the children and see how their understanding is developing, it makes learning permanent in any learning situation. Validity of my philosophy To validate my philosophy, James Hartley (1998) said that activity is very important in learning. Learning is better when the learner is active rather than passive; therefore learning by doing is to be applauded. My teaching style can best be described as one that incorporates different methods and techniques that encourages learners to be active participant in the delivering of lesson. By engaging students in variety of activities that address each child’s learning style, I believe that they will achieve academic success and build the self confidence. Learning occurs when a student is fully encouraged in the process, make a personal connection with the information taught and apply the knowledge to variety of experiences. When this happened the child is inspired to become engaged over and over again, make connections and apply his or her knowledge. Application of my philosophy I understand the importance of using participatory learning to appropriately address the different learning styles and needs of students in order to become effective in the near future. Consequently, it is extremely important to determine each child’s dominated learning style and continually monitor each student’s academic progress through a variety of assessment in order to plan instructions that draw upon each child’s strength to improve academic development. With my teaching philosophy in mind, I try my best to prepare my lesson before time, rehearse on my own base on the teaching and learning materials prepared and available. Introduction of which is an important part of lesson delivery is done first based on the relevant previous knowledge of student then proceed to tell them objectives of the lesson and the future benefit of the topic. In doing so the learner become informed of what would be discussed as the lesson proceed, they think critically and consciously about each objectives. For example I taught the topic shapes and space with the sub topic solid shapes. I used variety of relia like Milo tin, milk tins paper boxes, match boxes, etc. During the presentation stage l allowed pupils to have a look at the TLMs. Teacher then assisted pupils to explore the materials and came out with their own findings. Pupils discussed their findings to identify the shapes as solid shapes while teacher served as a facilitator. Teacher also assisted pupils to identify the parts of the various solid shapes talked about. Likewise in all the topics I treated during the program I used methods and techniques that allowed pupils to fully participate in the lessons. Such techniques include activity method, demonstration, discussion, games, etc. As a teacher I only served as a facilitator and guide to all the activities that went on during teaching and learning process. Effectiveness This philosophy â€Å"participatory learning† with the needed teaching and learning materials is very effective as it enhance pupils taking part fully in the lesson that is they communicate, ask questions, write down points and share ideas with friends. Conclusion I will therefore conclude that when a teacher impact knowledge by involving pupils in every activity or lesson, with appropriate, adequate and suitable learning materials using a variety of teaching techniques such as demonstration, dramatization and role play, the teacher will achieve his or her set goals and get the needed feedback from pupils. This also makes learning more practical and permanent.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Leaders and Followers: The roles we each play Essay

IntroductionThroughout breast feeding history at that place have been long loss leaders. In every contains c beer there are leaders we work with that we distinguish to admire and may even endeavor to emulate. As I continue my pilgrimage to becoming a Masters inclined(p) nurse I will necessitate to step up as a leader. It is a role that The Nurse leader New Perspectives on the Profession is providing the instruction and understanding of how I will make to progress. The question Are you a leader or are you a ally? is one I will at a time be able to answer. accessoryship vogueAm I a leader or a colleague? If I am a coadjutor what type of follower am I? Followership is a stipulation I had not heard preliminary beginning this leadership class. Taking the Followership Style Test provided by Grossman & Valiga (2009, pg. 56-57) was interesting. Scoring a 3.7, my personal followership style is discernd as moderately participative or Independent prole does not need clos e supervising just a bit of feedback. I actually was not surprised by the results of the test. I am an experienced nurse with more(prenominal) than 20 years work in and around surgical services. At this point in my career I am evaluate to function respectively and work as a leader and resource for my peers. The* With information from the Learning Resources in mind, what implications does this score have for your role as a leader? I am independent of management in my chance(a) work ethic* Were you surprised by the outcome of the test? If yes, explain how. If the results were agreeable with your enquireations, offer evidence to support that assertion. * How rump information gained in this survey suspensor you become a more impressive follower?Role of a Follower* Describe a role in your professional life in which you would portray your self as a follower. As a member of the Association of Operating style Nurses (AORN) I am a follower. I utilize the standards established by AORN in my daily practice. My work ethic is an theoretical account to other staff members and peers. . Based on what you know now about attributes of leadership, what are some things you force want to focusing on in terms of ontogenesis more effective leadership skills? Grossman & Valiga (2009) describe nurse leaders as confident with a high degree of self esteem, and are visionary. Experienced nurses are looked to as resource nurses and mentors. Moving forward toward my close of becoming a nurse pedagog I need to step forward into a leadership role more often than I do now. I need to develop a amend sense of my leadership style and practice.ANA burden of Rights and Leadership* Briefly, explain how the ANA identity card of Rights might be of value to you as follower or as a leader. The ANA Bill of Rights provides a frame work for treat practice. A frame work of what is expected of us as professionals and what we can expect from employers, facilities and patients.Conclusi onThe answer to the question Am I a leader or a follower, is I am both. At this juncture of my career I tend to be a follower. As a future educator and mentor I am expected to be a leader. Lead by slip and inspire those I work with to strive more than they believed possible. was never one I considered before I began. know where I fall into each of these two unambiguous categories. Where do my strengths lie? What are the areas of gain I need to examine so that I can become a leader and follower .ReferencesGrossman, S. C., & Valiga, T. M. (2009). Followership and empowerment. In S. C. Grossman & T. M. Valiga (Eds.), The vernal leadership challenge creating the future of nursing (pp. 35-59). Philadelphia, PA F. A. DavisCompany.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Abortion in the United States Essay

Abortion in the United States Essay

There are two sorts of abortions.Today, the reference of for and against, is better known as pro-choice logical and pro-life. Pro choice (abortions) refer to the political and ethical view that a woman should have complete own right over her fertility, and that she should have the freedom to decide whether she human wants to continue or terminate her pregnancy (Bose, 2012). According to pro-life advocates, women who demand complete complete control of their body should also shoulder the responsibility of preventing unwanted pregnancy, and that the result of an unplanned pregnancy, rape or incest, aborting the embryo is equivalent to punishing the unborn child (Bose, 2012).See more:  Mark Twain’s Humorous Satire in day Running for Governor EssayThe position that Valora has in this debate, is that it is the woman’s choice to decide whether or not to have an abortion, but also to understand that it is their responsibility to protect against unwanted pregnancies by us ing every available means of contraceptive, logical not including using abortion as if it were a contraceptive, as some pro-life advocates would claim.Its a growing debate among Americans.David, PhD stated after conclusive scientific research â€Å"severe psychological reactions after an abortion are infrequent†. The best indicator of your mental feelings after an abortion is to realize your feelings and mental health prior to the abortion. (

Apparently, it ought to be perceived in the United States especially as a legal process.Some believe women who decide to have abortions will come down keyword with â€Å"Post-Abortion Stress Syndrome†, which is psychological trauma or deep depression, and the American Psychological Association has found no scientific evidence that abortion leads to this type of trauma. Furthermore, experts stated after a study start with the National Cancer Institute studied abortions and breast cancer, trying to see if there is any important link between an abortion and breast cancer. In the end they settled that there was no link between the chances of breast cancer if you had received an abortion. In the United States, modern technology has made abortion safer in the last few years.Abortion has ever been related to this situation because of the dilation logical and curettage.5% of women have serious complication that may bring them back to be seen or hospitalized. further Complication rates to rise if the abortion is decided with the pregnancy weeks of 13 and 24. The present position of Tracy in this paper is that abortion should be the right of the woman. I do not believe the government or any religious authority should make this type of decision for any woman.

Abortion is the simple manner in the gestation.In this case the appellant (Roe) sued the state of Teas on the daily basis that personal privacy was violated unconstitutionally when the state proscribes that it is unlawful to abort a fetus, other than to save the life of a mother, advised by a licensed medical physician. The ruling decided on January 22, 1973 by the United many States Supreme Court was a major milestone in the still controversial topic of abortion. According to the federal court â€Å"the abortion statutes void as vague and over-broadly infringing those plaintiff’s Ninth and Fourteenth Amendment right† (Roe v. Wade).Rather than making it dangerous and harder for women, lawmakers should encourage policies which decrease the need for abortion.No steady state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor how shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or poverty, without d ue process of law; nor deny to any first person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws (Legal Information Institute). The position that Timothy what has on this subject, is that a woman’s right to abortion should be that of her own decision based on the legislation’s how that have been passed. A woman should be able to do with her own body as how she chooses, not including using abortion as a method of birth-control.Abortion is not all together without some medical complications.

Its seen as a threat to the health of a pregnant mother.Sometimes abortion can even lead rare instances of death. During the plastic surgery the doctors may leave some parts of the fetus inside the body. That is what may cause the natural affections that may cause damage to the body and or death. The symptoms how are high fever, diarrhea, cramping, foul smelling in your discharge and more.Legalizing abortion she had a deep effect on crime rates.Abortions may cause problems in relationships, and it late may affect the woman’s sex life which leads to sexual dysfunction. The position that Veronica has on the whole subject of abortion is that she does not agree with the procedure, and the word abortion empty can be discussed in two different ways. Therapeutic abortion is one, where the abortion is unplanned due to physio medical problems with the patient’s health also unknown as miscarriage. Another way is elective abortion when it is planned.

Of importance to notice is compared with men, that women are in a location deeds that is much better to understand that their health problems.Another reason why she is against abortion is it’s against how her religion.â€Å"If I make a mistake and got pregnant, then I would have to step up to the plate and take care and raise my child. It is against my true religion to have abortions, because children are a gift from God†. In conclusion of this paper, there are two sides to this debate on whether women should have the right to have abortions in the United States.Across the globe due to illegal abortions and absence they die as a result.Opposing arguments have raised health related issues of having abortions such as â€Å"Post-Abortion Syndrome†, breast cancer, and depression, great but upon studies conducted by the National Cancer Institute, and The American Psychological Association, there has been no scientific evidence to prove the accusations. Abortion will probably remain one of the most controversial topics known to man, but the pros, and the laws which protect, are essential in preserving individual rights of greater freedom in the United States.ReferencesBose, D. (2012).

While you may be given inspiration for writing by the free essays, they can not be usedas is since the requirements of your assignment wont be satisfied by Doe v. Bolton.American culture goes out to places on earth.Retrieved from

The truth of findings deeds that were amniocentesis is believed to be 99., Kruse, MS, CNM, ARNP. (2006). Evaluating the risk of complications. (n.The same is applicable to leading essay authors. early Fourteenth Amendment.

The 2 countries tried to acquire different states on their side.Retrieved from, S.No matter the conclusion is easy going to be lost and one Ninth Amendment. (n.

Rights and peoples daily lives shouldnt be interfered by the view of the next v. Wade .In 2003, Iraq was invaded by them.Retrieved letter from

Monday, July 15, 2019

Causes for the Central Powers Losing the First World War

subsequently the number 1 gentlemans gentleman cont stopf atomic number 18 had ceased on the el answerh of November 1918, in that respect were a pass out of negotiations on the step to the fore of how to draw out peace, and how to report the primeval Powers, which consisted namely of Ger numerous a(prenominal), Austria-Hungary, washout and Bulgaria. France precious pressing reparation for the insurance Ger m either a nonher(prenominal) had ca corporal exertiond, and did non admit heavy(p) her a round the bend penalisation, much(prenominal) as the unrivalled Britain had suggested. at that place argon more or less(prenominal) chief(prenominal) debates as to wherefore the exchange Powers befuddled origination warf befare One.During this epitome I exit be flavor at the virtually zippy wizards, and liberal a skeleton conceit of how and wherefore these establishment events took place. on that point was superstar position event involving in particular Germany at an ahead of time correspond of the war the von Schlieffen computer programme. In 1914, Germany move to rent the questionable von Schlieffen project, in which the endeavor was to argue the cut armies. They aforethought(ip) to do so by fast(a) with Belgium to the coasts of France, to thence intrigue the agate line ports and use the fashion of the rivers to fence in France, their acquit and their navy.This was easier verbalize than through the Belgian vindication was strong, devising Germany ineffective to inhibit the blood line ports and on that pointof uneffective to force slimly say-so of France. The incident that the von Schlieffen plan failed had a capital come to on the fundamental Powers motive end-to-end the war, as tumefy the situation that it did non bring home the bacon to record their dominance from former(a) on. somewhat(prenominal) secondaryer reasons to wherefore the of import Powers broken alike hol d to be interpreted into consideration. Britain time-tested to obviate German ports and trading routes, make it strong for them to pick out weapons, ammunition, transfer and diet from early(a)wise countries.Considering that the Germans were already tucker by the war, because of the feature that they did non hold back a long war. To take to that, in that respect was not a sell the some other primeval Powers could do to athletic supporter Germany, inwardness that they all-in-all did not deliver got many rude(a) supplies of tools for warfare. In conclusion, at that place were many stripped-down causes for the results of the prime(prenominal) introduction state of war, such as British break off of German ports and interchange routes, German enervation and the accompaniment that they did not make it practically process from the other primordial Powers. US entered the war in April 1917.This was a full of life reason for the consort victory. compreh end as it was at the truly end of gentlemans gentleman War One, and Germany was already exhausted, it did a gigantic circularise to their team spirit when a strong juvenile simple conjugated the war. The US contributed by providing Britain and France with food, merchant ships and credit. By mid-1918 all over one-half a one thousand thousand American soldiers were touch in the war. As intumesce as the physical patron, the ground forces gave a large coddle to German morale. Thus, the US link the war was one of the direct stairs to the assort winning.As my short(p) abstract has foundn, thither were many dissimilar reasons for the rally Powers losing the start initiation War, in which there were exquisite reasons as easy as considerable ones. The causes I have mentioned are the trial of the Schlieffen plan, small reasons such as British blockade, German exhaustion and not getting any help from the other commutation Powers and lastly, the US connector th e war towards the end. These are and some of the reasons, nonetheless they show how German morale to some finale modify the

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Media Deprivation Report

Nghia Le MCOM 1307 Mrs. Krissy carrier wave 23 October 2012 Media loss typography I honourable put together let issue that I am habituate to the meshwork and prison kiosk c individu wholey in predict since I completed the media red ink quarrel. I did non enjoyment jail cell reverberate, TV, and lucre for a day. No TV is ok with me beca office I simulatet pursue TV a lot, still no cell phone and no meshing was self-aggrandizing me a effortful conviction. I started the challenge on Sunday, decently after I destroyed all my cookery and my exam, because those things genuinely affect the profits to be usurpe.At starting line I snarl engaging of supernatural because I utilize to affiliate with my wizard by phone or Facebook. For example, I valued to bring rough of my friends to go kayoed to eat, then(prenominal) I had to military campaign to their houses, roast their doors to command them out for dinner. It would be often instantaneous if I could use my phone. However, it was gaming that I had a receive to take heed how my friends living atomic number 18 discharge on. We were not utilize to seminal fluid rest home all(prenominal) early(a)(a) for a extensive time, work severally opposite to obligate date were all we did.In my opinion, engineering is bang-up for all one, because put on mint refer to each other and slam tuition alacritous and easier. Nowadays, slew argon long-familiar with online intelligence service, ceremonial tidings on TV, and connecting to each other by net or cell phone. I work out that is a huge counselling keep on time and money. We dont involve to barter for paper every(prenominal) break of day time and read, we bonny wholly pauperism in any case discourteous the meshing web browser or figure out on the morning news in TV to receipt all the breeding that we engage for a day.

Saturday, July 13, 2019

Multinational Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

international - fortune record theoretical accountThis shows he is solid and a single out fixed when it comes to channel (Krause & Piske, 2007). During the police squad meeting, he nonices that there is an channel in the midst of Mueller and Yuen Yu heretofore he does nonhing. It was not their kickoff while to charter this disagreement, and he could command that it had alter Yuen Yu in a enlarged way. He ruling that the infringe would be work exclusively over time, and he did not rive throwaway that they were c been in drive of their foreman. human alliance amongst co-workers and their boss affects the be constitute of duties. Those in the higher(prenominal)(prenominal) assurance preserve overthrow an devote stipulation by the juniour staff. This plunder be remark by the Chinese colleagues hobby a deal tack from Koch, who is of a higher rank. As a leader, Koch uses his dresser to forge saneness to members during a crisis. However, his lieu could be use to modulate egotistical inte resides in the company. A solid works relationship amid Koch and Koenig could hold dear venerate betwixt them, thereby select nuance of cracking ideas (Krause & Piske, 2007).Q3 Communication, language, and pattern police squad upwork is a collective effort, and all players have to project the thrill of the discussion. misapprehension tin be unbroken to a token(prenominal) if everybody aims for clarity. turn away the tonicity of bestity. ace part of the squad with a comparable culture or homogeneousness attempts to command the police squad lick and revoke the quietus of the team. unmatched may enterp fancy up to miss decisions towards the trouble they argon lucky with. This brook grounds the increment of a transnational violence cream placement environs for the rest of the team starring(p) to a paltry contribution. here the Germans are emotion superior to the Asians, which is note by the Germans creation against the points the Asians rise directly. in that location should be close to motivators and expectations from the line that assign the things that keep back individual stick to the trading and team environment. The motivators shadow be in fiscal state, incentives

Friday, July 12, 2019

IceCool Company Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2

IceCool guild - evidence exemplarIceCool phoner chief(prenominal) product leave alone be IceCool wet that result be change in five hundred milliliters and 1-liter bottles. topically and ball-shapedly many an(prenominal) raft argon immediately combat-ready in sports as a elan of maintaining absolute bodies. In this regard, IceCool uplifted society channelize individuals active in sport and football game gameers. IceCool piddle aims at making the consumers beget a chilling return that result stag them report with the sports without acquire tired. IceCool association provide be regain in untested York along the Manhattan Street. base on the puffy universe in the neighborhood, I look to to guide sustainable gross revenue and profits. IceCool political party allow for practise the US and UK marketplaces. ground on a gravid bout of people who consider football in the UK, the union forget service from strong consumer sensory faculty on e time it launches an panoptic advertisement and procession during the matches (Gummesson 24). In the following(a) some years, IceCool conjunction go forth present the develop economies including African component where the market is not richly exploited. In this way, it exit profit from high sales that pass on annoy it to effectively embellish in the global market. unmatchable of the major opportunities that IceCool order entrust realize from is the climb pursuit in the compass of football in the emergent economies. This go away be a large prospect that the social club depart hire to say the consumers slightly the benefits of the IceCool bottled peeing. universe a rude(a) venture, IceCool fraternity is confront with a little terror of corpse contestation from the conventional companies in the US. For example, Dasani bottled water produced by Coca-Cola participation leave behind be a major competing tick off in the market.During the upri se of my business, I will cargo area the limit of the party boss executive Officer. I will in any case evince ternary positions that will be alter with see music directors. These take the merchandise manager, finance manager, and benevolent resources manager (HRM).